100 New York Painters
by Cynthia Maris Dantzic
"This stunning book is the long-awaited result of an extensive review of New York painters and their widely diverse works. It presents an overview of styles, mediums, subjects, even philosophies of art found in galleries, museums, and artists' studios of present-day New York, the oft-acknowledged Art Capital of the contemporary world. Although you may recognize the names and works of many, this company of 100 painters also features works by artists less celebrated, though no less deserving of attention. Expect to find recent works, as well as paintings from an earlier period of an artist's oeuvre -- as near as Kelynn Alder's "Coney Island," painted specifically for this book, and as distant as George Tooker's iconic allegory, "Subway," painted in 1950. Brief biographical sketches accompany each artist's work, providing insight into their emotional and philosophical connection with art as well as their schooling and accomplishments. Experience for yourself this visual feast showcasing the unique works of 100 gifted New York painters. This book is a must-have addition for the library of any art connoisseur and/or collector."
Purchase @ Schiffer Books
Purchase @ Schiffer Books

Valerie Jaudon by Rene Paul Barilleaux, Ms. Anna C Chave (Introduction by), Ginger Tucker (Editor) This exhibition catalog is the most complete overview to date on the work and career of Jaudon. This abstract painter of international renown is among the significant artists originally linked to the Pattern and Decoration movement. Her vividly-colored works employ intricate designs and geometric patterning. This study includes an interview with Jaudon, traces the course of her work over two decades, and shows how it, as the author states, "pushes the language of abstraction". This catalog accompanies an exhibition at the Mississippi Museum of Art (24 May 1996 through 3 August 1996).
Atelier Books & Art, New Hampton, NY, USA
Purchase @ Albris

By Kristine Stiles, Peter Howard Selz
University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 1996, 1027 pages
"Ambitious and interdisciplinary, this long-awaited collaboration is a landmark presentation of the writings of contemporary artists. These influential essays, interviews, and critical and theoretical comments provide bold and fertile insights into the construction of visual knowledge. Featuring a wide range of leading and emerging artists since 1945, the collection--while comprehensive and authoritative--offers the reader some eclectic surprises as well.
Included here are texts that have become pivotal documents in contemporary art, along with writings that cover unfamiliar ground. Some are newly translated, others have never before been published. Together they address visual literacy, cultural studies, and the theoretical debates regarding modernism and postmodernism. The full panoply of visual media is represented, from painting and sculpture to environments, installations, performance, conceptual art, video, photography, and virtual reality. Thematic concerns range from figuration and process to popular culture, art and technology, and politics and the media. Contemporary issues of gender, race, class, and sexuality are also addressed.
Kristine Stiles's general introduction is a succinct overview of artists' theories in the evolution of contemporary discourse around art. Introductions to each chapter provide synopses of the cultural contexts in which the texts originated and brief biographies of individual artists. The text is augmented by outstanding photographs, many of artists in their studios, and vivid, contemporary art images."
Purchase @ amazon.com
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