The photogram, using an enlarger and photosensitive paper to make an
image without the use of a camera, was a staple of experimental
photography in the early 20th century and used to great effect by Man
Ray or Lázsló Moholy-Nagy. Such analog techniques have been embraced
recently by a number of contemporary photographers. Thus, it is ideal
timing for a small show of work by the German artist Floris Neususs, who
has done extraordinary things for 50 years with the photogram
technique. Dreams + Photograms at Von Lintel Gallery closes August 15.
Most well-known are his nudograms from the 1960's and 70's —
Korperbilder — that track the human figure, especially women, as ghostly
presences, both dark and light, detailed and unclear, yet life size on
huge sheets of paper.
Floris Neusüss, "Portrait of Robert Heinecken; Portrait of Joyce Neimanas," 1997 Gelatin silver photograms on auto-reversal paper; 90.6 x 41.7 inches (230 x 106 cm), each Courtesy of Von Lintel Gallery
This show includes the 1997 life size photograms of his close friend
and collaborator Robert Heinecken and his wife, photographer Joyce
Neimanas. Their dark silhouettes on creamy backgrounds are instantly
recognizable to anyone who knew them. And, they are only sold as a pair,
so they can remain a couple.
Floris Neusüss, "Nachtbild (48), 1991 Gelatin silver photogram; 68 x 42 inches (175 x 106 cm) Courtesy of Von Lintel Gallery
Neususs also made photograms of landscape by placing the paper with
the emulsion side down and exposing it to lightning. Grasses, leaves,
twigs appear in a beautiful chaos of silvery blacks and grays. Even
Neususs student work from the 1950's, before he embarked on photograms,
shows a propensity to experimentation.