Gow Langsford Gallery
DOUBLE TAKE 9 - 23 December 2009
One is the loneliest number
A group show in December that features the multiple is hardly an unfamiliar concept. Less familiar however, is when the multiple nature of the multiple is highlighted, manipulated, and embraced. In their doubling, multiplicity and visual play, the works in Double Take become unfamiliar, even uncanny. Featuring a number of local and international artists from the gallery stable, the exhibition will include editions and series, works that explore the use of doppelganger, and pieces that invite a literal double take from the viewer in their play with the optical field.
For many of the artists in the exhibition, doubling and multiplicity is a key component of their practice. Artist Gregor Kregar embraces the use of the multiple within much of his practice, using it to transform his everyday subjects into something other. In his work in Double Take, around seventy ceramic pigs are arranged by color on the floor of the gallery. While one work is easily recognizable as an innocuous everyday object one imbued with the nostalgia of childhood memories, as a collective and a crowd, the pigs exude an entirely different sort of power.
Likewise, Cuban-born photographer Anthony Goicolea is well-known for his employment of the double, or rather, the doubling and replication of his own image, in his photography. This repetition of the self, the visualisation of a doppelganger, is uncanny, and introduces an eerie note to the works. Not only visually unexpected, catching a glimpse of one's own doppelganger also portends bad luck, danger, even death.
In a much more playful way, local artists such as Sara Hughes, James Cousins and David McCracken also interrogate the visual field. Sara Hughes explores the optics of colour and works such as Bubble and Burst seemingly shimmer under our gaze as concentric circles of colour play tricks with the eye. James Cousins uses imagery of the natural world as his source material, but such images are then weaved into and around a fractured optical field. David McCracken meanwhile, plays with the illusionistic, defying traditional associations of materials such as stainless steel.

Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art
Contemporary Australia: Optimism
Encompassing many facets of contemporary Australian visual art and culture, the exhibition includes painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, installation, video and video installation, cinema, animation, performance, music and comedy.
The exhibition presents work by more than 60 emerging, mid-career, and senior Indigenous and non-Indigenous contemporary artists from every state and territory, including Lisa Adams (QLD), Vernon Ah Kee (QLD), Tom Alberts (VIC), Tony Albert (QLD), Del Kathryn Barton (NSW), Chris Bennie (QLD), Daniel Boyd (NSW), Matthew Bradley (SA), Stephen Bush (VIC), Sean Cordeiro & Claire Healy (NSW/Berlin), Aleks Danko (VIC), Christian de Vietri (WA/New York), Rolf de Heer (SA), Gabrielle de Vietri (VIC), James Dodd (SA), Emily Floyd (VIC), Juan Ford (VIC), Julie Fragar (QLD), Dale Frank (NSW), Mirdidingkingathi Juwarnda Sally Gabori (QLD), Mark Galea (VIC), Tarryn Gill and Pilar Mata Dupont (WA), Kristin Headlam (VIC), Petrina Hicks (NSW), Timothy Horn, (VIC/New Mexico), Jamin (TAS), Natasha Johns-Messenger (VIC/New York), Christine Dew, Dave Jones & Students of Macleay Island State School, (QLD & VIC), Kayili Artists (Nola Campbell, Pulpurru Davies, Mary Gibson, Jackie Kurltjunyintja Giles, Ngipi Ward) (WA), Clara Law (VIC), Sam Leach (VIC), Michael Leunig (VIC), m3architecture (QLD), Robert MacPherson (QLD), Michael McWilliams (TAS), Tim Maguire (NSW/London), Thomas Meadowcroft (QLD/Berlin), Tom MooreJan Nelson (VIC), George Nona (QLD), Raquel Ormella (ACT), Robert Owen (VIC), Debra Phillips (NSW), Patricia Piccinini (VIC), Anna Platten (SA), Scott Redford (QLD), Victoria Reichelt (QLD), Tony Schwensen (NSW/Boston), Ritchey Sealy (NSW), Ivan Sen (NSW), Gemma Smith (QLD), Darren Sylvester (VIC), Regan Tamanui (VIC), Kathy Temin (VIC), Arlene TextaQueen (VIC), Jane Turner (VIC), Nawarupu Wunungmurra (NT), Michael Zavros (QLD). (SA), Arlo Mountford (VIC), Kate Murphy (NSW),
‘Contemporary Australia: Optimism’ celebrates the ways contemporary artists envision the world, exploring it with hope, energy, passion, playfulness and, above all, with the commitment to questioning and invention that comes out of the artist’s studio.
Bendigo Art Gallery
A Newcastle Region Art Gallery touring exhibition
31 March - 13 May 2007
In recent years Bendigo Art Gallery and Newcastle Region Art Gallery have established themselves as active collectors of Australian contemporary art. In the past ten years, Bendigo Art Gallery has acquired over 1,000 works; in the past five years Newcastle has collected over 1,500. This exhibition showcases over 30 of these pieces including paintings, drawings, photography, sculpture, installation and video. While the works resist a single curatorial categorisation, their inclusion, alongside Bendigo Art Gallery’s permanent display of contemporary art, may reveal the many stories associated with recent developments in Australian contemporary art practice.
Leading Australian artists represented in the exhibition include James Angus, Hany Armanious, Peter Atkins, Lionel Bawden, Mikala Dwyer, Dale Frank, Fiona Hall, Bill Henson, Rosemary Laing, Tim Maguire, Tracey Moffatt, Ken O’Regan, Fiona Hall, Patricia Piccinini and Hossein Valamanesh.
This exhibition is supported by Visions of Australia, an Australian Government Program supporting touring exhibitions by providing funding assistance for the development and touring of cultural material across Australia.
McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park
So You Wanna Be A Rock ‘n’ Roll Star: Australian painting from the NGV Shell Collection
March – 1 May 2005
Purchased by Shell Australia in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the collection focuses on the work of young Australian artists including: Jon Campbell, Mandy Martin, Stephen Bush, Dale Frank, Philip Hunter, Jan Nelson, Lin Onus, Liz Coates, Stewart Macfarlane, Tim Maguire, Hilarie Mais and Jenny Watson. All of these painters have gone on to have significant careers both within Australia and internationally. So you wanna be a rock’n’roll star offers a revealing and entertaining glimpse into the artistic and cultural influences that shaped Australian art at the end of the 20th Century. The twenty-one large scale works in the exhibition are, all important and exciting, examples of Australian painting from the period and should not be missed.
Double Take, Gow Langsford Gallery, Auckland
Summer Exhibition, Martin Browne Fine Art, Sydney
Heidi Comes to Town – works from the Heidi Museum Collection, Australian
Club, Melbourne
2009 Double Take, Gow Langsford Gallery, Auckland
Summer Exhibition, Martin Browne Fine Art, Sydney
Heidi Comes to Town – works from the Heidi Museum Collection, Australian
Club, Melbourne
Shanghai University Public Arts Project & linked Group Exhibition, Shanghai
University Gallery, Shanghai
Botanica, Martin Browne Fine Art, Sydney
Optimism, Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
In voller Blüte, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden-Rot
Clock the Ton, Gow Langsford Gallery, Auckland
Optimism, Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
Autumn Collectors Exhibition, Martin Browne Fine Art, Sydney
Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich at Korea International Art Fair, Seoul
In voller Blüte, Museum Villa Rot, Burgrieden-Rot
Strange Cargo: Contemporary Art as a State of Encounter, Bendigo Art
Gallery, Bendigo
Snap Freeze: Still Life Now, TarraWarra Museum of Art, Healesville, Victoria
Blue Chip IX The Collectors’ Exhibition, Niagara Galleries, Richmond, Victoria
Place Made, Prints from the Australian Print Workshop, National Gallery of
Australia, travelling to Hamilton Art Gallery, Victoria
Martin Browne Fine Art, Sydney at Melbourne Art Fair
Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne at Melbourne Art Fair
L’Atelier Franck Bordas, Grandes Galeries de l’Aitre Saint-Marlou, Rouen
Studio Franck Bordas, Paris
Blumenstück – Künstlers Glück. Vom Paradiesgärtlein zur Prilblume, Museum
Morsbroich, Leverkusen
Atelier Bordas – Galerie Stepánská 35 + Museum Kampa, Prague
So You Wanna Be A Rock n’ Roll Star: Australian Painting from the NGV Shell
Collection, McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, Victoria
Hothouse: The Flower in Contemporary Art, Monash University Museum of Art
Touring Exhibition (Victoria), State Library of Victoria, Melbourne; Geelong Art
Gallery; Ballarat Fine Art Gallery; McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park,
Langwarrin; Gippsland Art Gallery, Sale
Tableau, BBK, Munich, Germany
Home Sweet Home: Works from the Peter Fay collection, National Gallery of
Australia, Canberra
It's a Beautiful Day, The Ian Potter Gallery, The University of Melbourne
Tolarno Galleries at ARCO, Madrid
Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne
Botanica, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand
Australian Identities in Print Making: The Australian Print Collection of Wagga
2000 Manifesto I, The Blue Gallery, London
Sensational Painting, Tolarno Galleries at Holmes à Court Gallery, Perth
Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich at Art Cologne
Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne
Tolarno Galleries: The Moore’s Building, Perth Festival, Fremantle, Western
Sets and Series, Tolarno Galleries, Melbourne
Blondes, Gaha, Maguire, Galerie Cokkie Snoei, Rotterdam
La Peinture, Positionen zeitgenossischer Malerei, Mitchell Madison Group,
Galerie Cokkie Snoei, Amsterdam KunstRAI
Recent Acquisitions of Contemporary Australian Art, National Gallery of
Victoria, Melbourne
Mori Gallery, Sydney
Angelus Novus – The Until It’s All Carried Away in Turmoil Peepshow, Galerie
Sanguine, Paris
Visy Board Art Prize, The Orangery, Richmond Grove Winery, Tanunda,
South Australia
Film Still, Still Life, Le Case d’Arte, Milan
Hidden Treasures, Art in Corporate Collections, S.H. Ervin Gallery, National
Trust Centre, Sydney
Floressence, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of New
South Wales, Sydney
Spirit & Place: Art in Australia 1861–1996, Museum of Contemporary Art,
Contemporary Art Society Invitational Exhibition, London Art Fair
Blumenstücke Kunststücke, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld
The John McCaughey Memorial Art Prize Exhibition, National Gallery of
Victoria, Melbourne
Prospect 93, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt
Approaches to the Sublime, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts,
University of New South Wales, Sydney; Ipswich Regional Gallery,
In Between, in conjunction with Adem Yilmaz & Jarg Geismar, Venice
Moët & Chandon Touring Exhibition, Australian State galleries
Translating Bunker to Bunker, Tin Sheds Gallery, The University of Sydney,
1992 T
he Story so Far, Waverley City Gallery, Melbourne
The Temple of Flora, Waverley City Gallery, Melbourne; Elizabeth Bay House,
Sydney and Australian regional galleries
Blast, Mori Gallery, Sydney
The Sir John Sulman Prize exhibition, Art Gallery of New South Wales,
Contemporary Australian Painting, Westpac Gallery, Melbourne
The Flower Show, Flaxman Gallery, London
Contemporary Australian Art, Deutscher Brunswick Street, Melbourne
Moët & Chandon Touring Exhibition, Australian State galleries
1990 1990 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art, Art Gallery of South Australia,
L’Eté Australien à Montpellier, Musée Fabre and Galerie Saint-Ravy,
Skies, Galleria Cristina Busi, Chiavari
Architecture of Light, Mori Gallery, Sydney
Paperworks, Flaxman Gallery, London
The Melbourne Savage Club Invitational Drawing Prize, R.M.I.T. Gallery,
One Hundred Artists Against Animal Experimentation, Deutscher Brunswick
Street, Melbourne
Homage to the Square 2, Flaxman Gallery, London
Art and Nature, Flaxman Gallery, London
En Serie, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton
Irony, Humour and Dissent, Manly Art Gallery and Museum, Sydney; Monash
University Gallery, Melbourne
Australian Perspecta 1989, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Drawings in Australia: Drawings, Watercolours and Pastels from the 1770s to
the 1980s, Australian National Gallery, Canberra
Homage to the Square, Flaxman Gallery, London
The Face of Australia: the Land and the People, the Past and the Present,
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Victoria
A New Generation 1983–1988: The Philip Morris Arts Grant, Australian
National Gallery, Canberra
Contemporary Prints, Pomeroy Purdy Gallery, London
A New Romance, Australian National Gallery at the Australian National
University, Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra
Urban Anxieties: Australian Drawings of the 1980s, Australian National Gallery
at the Australian National University, Drill Hall Gallery, Canberra
Stories of Australian Art, Commonwealth Institute, London; Usher Gallery,
Young Australians – The Budget Collection, National Gallery of Victoria,
Future Directions: Four Artists, Flaxman Gallery, London
Voyage of Discovery: Contemporary Australian Art, Crescent Gallery, Houston
Big Drawings, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, Canberra
Mori Gallery at United Artists, United Artists, Melbourne
Backlash: The Australian Drawing Revival 1976–1986, National Gallery of
Victoria, Melbourne
Symbolism and Landscape, Biennale of Sydney Satellite Exhibition, Ivan
Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales,
The Hand and the Photograph, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney
Monumental Drawings, Contemporary Art Society, Adelaide
A Certain Likeness, Artspace, Sydney
Oz Drawing Now, Holdsworth Contemporary Galleries, Sydney
Recent Acquisitions of Australian Contemporary Art, Australian National
Gallery, Canberra
Ballarat Invitation Exhibition, Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Victoria
Third International Drawing Triennale, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nuremberg;
Neuen Galerie der Stadt, Linz
The Most Beautiful Show in the World, Mori Gallery, Sydney
Dad and Dave Come to Town: 3 Australians in Düsseldorf, Neben der
Sicherheit, Cologne
True to Life (performance), Tropeninstitute, Düsseldorf
Last Supper at Eurunderee (installation), Streetspace, Mark Foys Building,
Last Past the Post-ism, Art Unit, Sydney
Attitudes to drawing, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, College of Fine Arts, University
of New South Wales, Sydney; Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers
Bequest, New South Wales
Bunker to Bunker: Six Artists from Betaville, Art Unit, Sydney
1981 The Rural Bank Painting Prize
1984 Peter Brown Memorial Scholarship, Australia Council
1985 Jury Prize, Third International Drawing Triennale, Nuremberg
1986 Hugh Williamson Award (Best Male Emerging Artist), Ballarat, Victoria
1989 Dobell Prize for Drawing, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
1993 Moët & Chandon Australian Art Fellowship
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Parliament House Collection, Canberra
Philip Morris Arts Grant Collection, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart
Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nuremberg
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Victoria
Bendigo Art Gallery, Victoria
Derwent Collection, Tasmania
Hamilton Art Gallery, Victoria
McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, Victoria
Orange Regional Gallery, New South Wales
Tamar Collection, Tasmania
Academisch Ziekenhuis, Leiden
Deakin University, Melbourne
Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
University of Launceston, Tasmania
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne
The University of Sydney
Darwin College of Advanced Education, Darwin
Griffith Artworks, Brisbane
Allens Arthur Robinson, Sydney, London and New York
Artbank, Australia
AMP Insurance, Sydney
BP Collection, Australia
Conalco, UK
Deutsche Bank, London
Federal Airports Corporation, Australia
IBM, Australia
JMH Bank, Frankfurt
Macquarie Bank, Sydney
News Limited, Australia
OTC, Australia
Potter Warburg, Sydney
Qantas Collection, Sydney
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria
St Thomas’ Hospital, London
Shell, Australia
Siemens AG SFS, Munich
Siemens, Frankfurt
Target Partners, Munich
Telstra, Australia
Wesfarmers Collection, Perth
Westpac Bank Collection, New York
Zurich Insurance, Zurich
TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria, Australia
Fidelity Corporate Art Collection, London, UK
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
Parliament House Collection, Canberra
Philip Morris Arts Grant Collection, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart
Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nuremberg
Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, Victoria
Bendigo Art Gallery, Victoria
Derwent Collection, Tasmania
Hamilton Art Gallery, Victoria
McClelland Gallery & Sculpture Park, Langwarrin, Victoria
Orange Regional Gallery, New South Wales
Tamar Collection, Tasmania
Academisch Ziekenhuis, Leiden
Deakin University, Melbourne
Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
University of Launceston, Tasmania
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne
The University of Sydney
Darwin College of Advanced Education, Darwin
Griffith Artworks, Brisbane
Allens Arthur Robinson, Sydney, London and New York
Artbank, Australia
AMP Insurance, Sydney
BP Collection, Australia
Conalco, UK
Deutsche Bank, London
Federal Airports Corporation, Australia
IBM, Australia
JMH Bank, Frankfurt
Macquarie Bank, Sydney
News Limited, Australia
OTC, Australia
Potter Warburg, Sydney
Qantas Collection, Sydney
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria
St Thomas’ Hospital, London
Shell, Australia
Siemens AG SFS, Munich
Siemens, Frankfurt
Target Partners, Munich
Telstra, Australia
Wesfarmers Collection, Perth
Westpac Bank Collection, New York
Zurich Insurance, Zurich
TarraWarra Museum of Art, Victoria, Australia